Please review our processing details and fees below. Please call 641-942-6231 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm to place your order.
Customers will be notified when their order is complete. Processed orders need to be picked up promptly to avoid storage fees. Storage fees will be assessed daily after 10 days of being notified. Fees are $5.00 per tray per day. Customers picking up processed orders must bring their own containers to transport their processed meat home. Meat will be frozen. Coolers, boxes, or totes will work.
Abandoned Product Policy: Product left beyond 60 days will be considered abandoned and becomes property of Milo Locker Meats.
Attention Farmers:
Cancellation Policy: If an animal is cancelled less than 14 days before the scheduled appointment time, you would be subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee per animal.
Package for 2 or 4 people (Choose 1)
Shoulder: (2 Per Hog): Steaks, Roasts**, Cutlets, Cottage Bacon (from Boston Butt – just ½ of one shoulder) or Grind
Hocks: (4 Per Hog): Cured Ham Hocks (For Soup) or Grind
Hams: (2 Per Hog): Cured (Smoked) or Fresh
Whole or Cut in ½, Roasts**, Steaks, or Sandwich Sliced
Loins: (2 Per Hog): Whole (Bone In or Boneless), Roasts (Bone In or Boneless) **, or Chops
If Chops pick from Regular (1 “), Iowa (1.5” thick), Butterfly or Boneless (Standard is 1”)
Ribs: Spare Ribs or Grind |
Sides: (2 Per Hog): Fresh, Bacon, or Grind
If Bacon pick from: Regular 1/8 or Thick Cut 3/16
Trim: Whole Hog 2 Trim Choices Half Hog 1 Trim Choice | *Each Additional Selection is $5.00.
- Choices: Plain Ground Pork, Breakfast, Italian, Maple or Green Onion sausage. ONLY 1 # packages
Heart: Keep or Discard |
Liver: Keep or Discard
Patties available upon request. 50# Minimum order. | Roasts are 3# average which fit nicely in a crock pot.
Payment Information
4% Convenience Fee for credit and debit cards
We accept Mastercard Visa Discover and American Express
We accept local checks under $500